sexta-feira, outubro 25, 2013

A new survey of the West-India's (...) - Thomas Gage (1655)

Gage, Thomas - A new survey of the West-India's [sic]: or, The English-American his travail by sea and land: : containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. Wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. John de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and forward to Mexico; with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise, his journey from Mexico, through the provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua; with his abode twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderfull conversion and calling from those remote parts, to his native countrey. With his return through the province of Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena, and Havana, with divers occurrents and dangers that did befal in the said journey. Also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts: and of their dominions, government, religion, forts, castles, ports, havens, commodities, fashions, behaviour of Spaniards, priests and friers, blackmores, mulatto's, mestiso's, Indians; and of their feasts and solemnities. With a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called Poconchi, or Pocoman, London : printed by E. Cotes, and sold by John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-Head-Alley, 1655.

The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation (...) - Richard Hakluyt (1599)

Hakluyt, Richard - The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 years : diuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions ..., London : G. Bishop, R. Newberie, and R. Barker, 1599.

Historia navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur (...) - Jean de Léry (1594)

Léry, Jean de - Historia navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur. : Qua describitur authoris nauigatio, quaeque in mari vidit memoriae prodenda: Villagagnonis in America gesta: Brasiliensium victus & mores, à nostris admodum alieni, cum eorum linguae dialogo: animalia etiam, arbores, atque herbae reliquáque singularia & nobis penitus incognita, Genevae : Apud haeredes Eustathij Vignon, 1594.

Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique (...) - Jean de Léry (1594)

Léry, Jean de - Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. : Contenant la nauigation, & choses remarquables veues sur mer par l'autheur. Le comportement de Villegagnon en ce pays là. Les moeurs & façons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains: auec vn colloque de leur langage. Ensemble la description de plusieurs animaux, arbres, herbes, & autres choses singulieres, & du tout inconues par deça: dont on verra les sommaires des chapitres au co[m]mencement du liure, [Geneva] : Pour les heritiers d'Eustache Vignon, 1594.

Americae tertia pars : memorabile provinciæ Brasiliæ historiam contines (1592)

Americae tertia pars : memorabile provinciæ Brasiliæ historiam contines (1592)

Historie del S.D. Fernando Colombo - Fernando Colón

Colón , Fernando; Ulloa , Alfonso de; Pané , Ramón  - Historie del S.D. Fernando Colombo; : nelle quali s'ha particolare, & v...